Westside FM Cares!

  • By Admin

  • 03 January 2022

With the recent impact that the lockdown has caused towards the creative industry and the community at large, the public has taken to social media to create change for the betterment of its community.

Westside FM has since the official announcements of the lockdown in South Africa, partnered with local entertainers to keep audiences safe at home. This trending and convenient format of consuming music and educational content via online platforms has become a social norm.

Significantly, traffic has increased both on radio and the digital space. The second response to keeping the west alive, Westside FM in partnership with Out the Box Strategists has called on NGOs, Influencers and civil societies to donate to raise funds that will be donated to hospitals, arts and culture forums as well as NGOs.

We encourage members of the public to put the hands of love by making any donations on the first national bank account.

  • Account name : Out-the-Box
  • Account Number: 62831178505
  • Branch code: 260328
  • Reference: #WestsideFMCares

Online Parties will also be where social followers will be donating via Quicket and choose an online event you would like to view via Westside FM digital platforms. Donate Online here: https://bit.ly/westsidefmcares Stream here: http://facebook.com/westsidefm989